Br-yes or Br-no?

Once upon a time, a caravan of travellers stopped by a hill. It was really cold and they camped by a camp fire. One of the guys asked “how is this place called?”. And another guy, shivering answered “Brrrrrr-no …”. So the city of Brno was born, apparently (in Czech language, the word “no” means Read more about Br-yes or Br-no?[…]

Leaving London: how to prepare for long-term travel

The idea of just packing a rucksack, jumping on a plane and leaving my everyday life behind has always appealed to me. The thought has probably crossed most people’s minds, while they’re sitting behind their desk typing away at yet another spreadsheet, or standing crushed onto the tube at rush hour: why don’t I just Read more about Leaving London: how to prepare for long-term travel[…]